Research, designing, development, certification, mobilization

Aims & Objectives

Metal, machinery and related trades workers are engaged in a range of skilled activities. Those workers need to have an understanding of work organization, and the specialist materials and tools to be used in their jobs, as well as of the nature and purpose of the final product they are engaged in making.

According to Cedefop's European skills and jobs survey (ESJS), the key 5 skills for metal, machinery and related trades workers are job-specific skills, problem solving, teamwork, learning and communication. These skills will support employees in this occupation to also tackle anticipated future skill challenges.

Employment levels fell by 10% between 2005 and 2015 and are projected to continue doing so by the same rate over the next decade. However, almost two million job opportunities are forecast to be available to these workers by 2025, due to "replacement demand". Increasingly, these jobs will be filled by people with higher levels of educational attainment than previously: although the share of workers with medium-level qualification will remain dominant (about 70%), roughly 9% of the workers are expected to hold high-level qualifications in 2025, demonstrating a significant percentage increase of circa 45%.

METVET project aims at a competence-based professional generic profile served as a basis for designing competence-based training programs. The underlying idea is that vocational education should enable students/trainees to acquire the competences needed in their future professions. While working as professionals, they should continue to develop their competences so that they are able to react to and to anticipate future developments their work.

The project specifically aims at one hand designing, for Aluminium & Metal Constructions technicians including:

  • a professional (qualification) profile & a core curriculum (EQF 5)
  • a corresponding VET program, including innovative teaching methods
  • a qualification standard (according to ISO/IEC17024) for evaluation and certification.

All the above will be achieved through the strengthening of the exchange of knowledge and practice between education and training institutions and the labor market, . The METVET consortium complementarity will ensure a strong collaboration between the labor market (sectoral organizations) and the education and training institutions. The role of the sectoral organizations will be of ensuring that the developed training is in total adequacy with the employers&rsquo needs, supporting the implementation of the training for workers. The role of VET providers will be to develop an adapted, attractive and innovative VET program The EU umbrella organization will promote the training in the other EU countries.


European policies Call Objectives MET-VET
Strategic framework – Education & Training 2020 Increase the employability of young people METVET will increase young peoples’ employability through its up to date “green” and energy efficient training that follows new designs and materials, as much as new technological trends (digitization, automated systems, etc). Overall, METVET will take into consideration a range of interrelated factors that will continue to affect employment developments and skill needs.
Contribute to the development of a highly skilled, qualified and mobile workforce from which companies should also benefit METVET will encourage mobility of future workers by creating and implementing a training program following the ECVET recommendations (WP2 – Definition of Joint skills demands-Need Analysis, WP4 – Creation of Curriculum and Syllabus, Qualification standard, evaluation and certification). The evaluation and certification process will validate each learning outcome facilitating further mobility, by allowing foreign institutions to easily recognize competences.
Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socioeconomic outcomes Support joint developments in EU VET and strengthen overall its quality, relevance and attractiveness METVET will establish a close collaboration between the education world (VET providers) and the world of work (sectoral organizations), so as to create an adapted & demand-driven training (WP 4 - Creation of Curriculum & Syllabus, Qualification standard, evaluation & certification, innovativeteaching methods).
Promoting work based learning The METVET will involve companies in several levels (Task 3.3 Conduction of in-depth interviews and/ or focus groups with stakeholders within a country level, Task 5.3 Mobilization of stakeholders) in order project’s activities and deliverables to be in compliance with real labor market needs’. Under this rationale, participation of companies in apprenticeship schemes will be more feasible, since project’s findings will be based on real companies’ needs. 

The general objective is to tackle the existing skills gap in training for Aluminium & Metal Constructions technicians, by creating a demand driven training in order to meet the growing demand for new skills of Aluminium & Metal Constructions technicians in the current construction industry, in the 4 partner countries;

Actions for METVET


  • Research on today’s training needs as well as new requirements of the labor market for aluminium manufacturers / installers
  • Creating a common transnational professional profile for aluminium manufacturers / installers with particular emphasis on green skills as well as those related to energy saving.
  • Develop a joint transnational curriculum (EQF level 5) focused on the workplace that will enhance learner-to-business contact, aiming to provide trainees with necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Development of an appropriate mechanism and procedures according to ISO/IEC 17024, for assuring the quality and certification of the acquired knowledge, skills and competences, allowing an easy implementation of the ECVET procedure
  • Mobilization of stakeholders

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METVET LEADER: Sivitanidios Public School of Trades and Vocations
151 Thessalonikis str., 17610, Kallithea - Athens, Greece

Contact Person: Mrs Katerina Kalaitzaki, Tel: + 30 210 4857620, Email:

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